戦乱の幕開け・黒鷲の学級 To War (Black Eagles)
(大広間 夕方)
Reception Hall | Afternoon
アロイス: 皆、聞け!すでに帝国軍は目前まで迫っている!
Alois: Listen up, everyone! The Imperial army is upon us.
If you can fight, pick up a weapon! Everyone else, hurry up and evacuate!
We have the goddess's protection on our side. We have nothing to fear. Victory will be ours!
カトリーヌ: Byleth、準備はできてるか?
Catherine: Professor. Are you ready?
Byleth: すぐに準備する Almost.
カトリーヌ: そうしてくれ。わかってるとは思うけど、今の状況は最悪だ。
Catherine: Well, hurry up. I don't need to tell you that the situation is dire.
We have some support troops from the local nobles, but the army we're facing is immense. No matter how you look at it, we're at a disadvantage.
To make matters worse, the enemy is being led by Edelgard. Do not underestimate how extraordinary her abilities are.
リンハルト: もちろん知ってますよ。でも今更、逃げられませんしねえ。
Linhardt: Of course we know, but we can't let her get away.
Also, please cease your unwarranted glaring. We don't deserve your judgement.
フェルディナント: ……私の父は、宰相を罷免され、今も帝都で軟禁されているという。
Ferdinand: My father was removed from his role as prime minister and is still under house arrest in the Imperial capital.
As his successor...it is my duty to stop her!
カスパル: あいつのやり方は間違ってる。俺たちがそれをわからせてやらねえとな!
Caspar: The way she's going about all of this is wrong. It's up to us to help her realize that!
ベルナデッタ: あの人に従わないって決めたから……でも逃げ……逃げません!!
Bernadetta: I won't be following her, but...l won't run away either!
ドロテア: エーデルちゃんはきっと本気で来ますよ。だから私たちも本気で応えないと、ねえ。
Dorothea: Edie's going to come at us with all she's got. And that's a lot. That means we need to fight her with all of our might too.
ペトラ: 彼女、強い人、です。しかし……わたしたち、強い……負けません!
Petra: She is one who has strength, that has certainty. But we have strength also. We will not be losing!
フレン: わたくしも……皆さんと一緒に精一杯戦いますわ!
Flayn: I shall fight with all that I have. It is an honor to fight alongside each of you!
カトリーヌ: はは、みんな度胸が据わってて助かるよ。
Catherine: You students really have guts, don't you?
Though, I suppose I can't call you students anymore. You're now part of our order. You have our support and our gratitude.
Professor, I'm counting on you. Go ahead and take the lead.
Choice 1: わかっている Leave it to me.
Catherine: These kids...they look up to you. I guess that goes without saying. Just look in their eyes and you can see it.
Choice 2: 生徒は自分が守る I'll protect the students.
カトリーヌ: ま、言うまでもないか。アンタはこいつらの先生だもんな。
カトリーヌ: じゃ、生きてたらまた会おう。武運を祈る!
Catherine: If we all make it through this, let's meet again. Good luck out there!